About É«°ÉÂãÁÄ

É«°ÉÂãÁÄ, Inc. (Nasdaq: XXII) is a next-generation plant biotechnology company focused on tobacco harm reduction, reduced nicotine tobacco, and improving plants to enhance human health. Using our breakthrough, patent-protected IP to control nicotine biosynthesis in the tobacco plant, we have developed the first market-ready, reduced nicotine content (RNC) tobacco plants, and cigarettes, containing 95% less nicotine. We received the first and only FDA MRTP authorization for a combustible cigarette in December 2021. The sole function of our cigarettes is to make it easier to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.

In tobacco, 22nd Century employs a unique and innovative platform of modern plant breeding technologies, including genetic engineering, gene-editing, and molecular breeding, to deliver healthier solutions for pressing issues. We create new, proprietary plants with select alkaloid, improved yields, and valuable agronomic traits for the life science and consumer products industries.